Lady of Liberty

By brian francis

Oh, Lady of liberty, standing so grand,
The tired they sent you and you made them strong;
With your reflection in the spirits of man,
Telling of freedom and liberty for all.
To you they came flocking by air land and sea,
To the nation of freedom and liberty,
To you came the cries of the meek and the poor,
To you came the knock upon liberty’s door.

Lady of liberty, torch held so high,
Alone like a beacon you shine like the dawn.
Symbolic of our nations reach for the sky.
The reach it is endless, the arm it is strong.
You stand by our nation appealing for peace,
Receiving in turn, the respect of the free.
Yet, the cries that you hear from people afar,
Leaves you shining the way like a morning star.

Copyright ©2020 brian francis

Published by

B. F. O'Connor

Born and raised in the idyllic environment of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. A rural paradise perfect for a roving childhood. Now living in the desert southwest, with a flock of parrots, a pigeon, and Three dogs.

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